Se rumorea zumbido en maluma babay

Maluma dijo a Entertainment Weekly a principios de este mes que el álbum trata de recordar a las comunidades que han sido parte integral de la música en castellano.

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Baltin: You talk about acting and music. For some reason, when you were talking about wanting to be the artist that you want to be, and then you mentioned that, an artist that came into my mind is Frank Sinatra.

Baltin: I'm a big believer in most writing being subconscious. Are you finding that Paris has already infiltrated your writing?

”Talk to me winner!“ Maluma said to Karol, with her confessing that she was talking to the press backstage while holding back the tears.

Los colombianos Karol G y Maluma se lanzan al "funk carioca" en el rémix de Tá OK que se lanzó este jueves y donde se unen al productor brasileño Dennis y a MC Kevin o Chris en "una conexión muy especial junio maluma entre el tamborzão del funk de los primaveras 2000 y el ritmo latino arrollador del reguetón".

, Figura an ode to a week he spent on the island before the pandemic. He followed up in 2022 with a surprise album,

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But it was also that time that taught him an essential lesson. “It’s what made me realize I had to work super hard so my family could have food and a house to live in,” he told

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“I promise to give you my best, always, and I hope this is the first of many. So thank you everybody,” she said before sharing a clip with Maluma talking about her reaction.

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“Paris, our beautiful daughter, she’s growing inside her mom’s belly and she MALUMA KAROL G gives me many reasons to keep dreaming,” he said. “It’s like she made a reset on my mind. She’s everything to me right now. It’s crazy. It’s a crazy feeling that only parents are going to understand.”

You’re beautiful and MALUMA KAROL G I want us to be boyfriend and girlfriend.” Then, of course, she says yes. And MALUMA KAROL G the two embrace. Maluma recently spoke to Rolling Stone

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